

Backing up the OpenL2M database

Here is one way you can backup the database. Note this does NOT backup the log objects!:

pg_dump -W -U openl2m -h localhost --exclude-table-data=switches_log openl2m > openl2m.sql

Restore your backup file

# sudo -u postgres psql openl2m < openl2m.sql

Automating backups

For automatic backups, you need to create some user cron file. First, create a file ~/.pgpass in the user’s home directory, and enter your password data:

vi ~/.pgpass

Now enter the following lines, and replace the database password:

# format used by pgdump is
# hostname:port:database:username:password

Next set this to be accesible only by the user that will run the cron job:

chmod 600 ~/.pgpass

And finally, create a shell script that will create a backup file. Note that this example create a backup without the log files, and adds a timestamp to the backup filename.

mkdir /opt/openl2m/backups
vi backup.sh

and add this:

# backup OpenL2M database

DATETIME=`date +%F-%H%M%S`

#here we go:
pg_dump -U openl2m -h localhost --exclude-table-data=switches_log openl2m > $FILE

Finally, make this backup.sh executable and add to your cron jobs (this is left to the reader!)

Start Fresh with a new database


# Clear-out OpenL2M Database #

# stop service, so database is not actively used, else the drop below fails!
systemctl stop openl2m

# restore the database:
echo "Drop Database"
sudo -u postgres psql -c 'drop database openl2m'

echo "Recreate Database"
sudo -u postgres psql -c 'create database openl2m'

#restart the service
systemctl restart openl2m