
Maintaining the documentation

Sphinx and Restructured Text

The documentation for OpenL2M lives under /docs, and is written in ReStructuredText. We use the Sphinx documentation generator to generate our html pages, which are live available in the application at <your_base_url>/static/docs/

See this page for a Sphinx tutorial.

We installed:

pip3 install sphinx

Sphinx configuration

We started with running “sphinx-quickstart” in the docs/ directory. Next, we updated the /docs/Makefile to create the ‘build’ html files in /openl2m/project-static/docs/

Build most recent documentation

To manually test documentation updates, from the /docs directory, run ‘make html’. This deletes existing html files, and generates new files.

When you run the ‘update.sh’ script, this will also create the new documentation html files, and then these will be moved with all other project updates.

Editing documentation

We use the Atom editor Here is a quick cheat sheet to RestructuredText