

To run command-line scripts, make sure you activate the virtual environment first!

cd /opt/openl2m
source venv/bin/activate
cd openl2m

Importing configuration

Most configuration objects can be imported from CSV. We provide the built-in admin command “import_csv”:

python3 manage.py import_csv --help
usage: manage.py import_csv [-h] [--switchgroups SWITCHGROUPS]
                           [--commands COMMANDS] [--switches SWITCHES]
                           [--netmiko NETMIKO] [--snmp SNMP] [--users USERS]
                           [--vlans VLANS] [--update]

Import CSV files with Switches, etc.

optional arguments:
 -h, --help            show this help message and exit
 --switchgroups SWITCHGROUPS
                       the SwitchGroup CSV file to import
 --commands COMMANDS   the Commands CSV file to import
 --switches SWITCHES   the Switch CSV file to import
 --netmiko NETMIKO     the Netmiko Profile CSV file to import
 --snmp SNMP           the SNMP Profile CSV file to import
 --users USERS         the User CSV file to import
 --vlans VLANS         the VLAN CSV file to import
 --update              update object if it exists

See the /scripts/example_csv/ folder for some examples of CSV files. You can run the following command to import them all:

cd scripts/csv_examples/
python3 ../../openl2m/manage.py import_csv
  --switchgroup groups.csv --users users.csv
  --netmiko netmiko.csv --commands commandlists.csv
  --snmp snmp.csv --switches switches.csv --vlans vlans.csv

Note that you will need to import all snmp and netmiko ‘profile’ entries first, before you can reference (use) them from Switches. New groups referenced will be automatically created if not found at time of importing a user or switch.

Custom imports

You can write custom import scripts as outlined in the writing scripts section. If you submit them, we can add these to the OpenL2M distribution.