
API Menu

The “Menu” endpoint returns a list of devices you can access with your token.

Here is an example of a call to the “menu” endpoint:

http http://localhost:8000/api/switches/ 'Authorization: Token ***34b'

It returns a dictionary with 2 keys, “groups”, and “user”.

The “groups” entry:

This is a dictionary of items, where the key is the group ID.

The items of each group are a series of named attributes for the group, and the device “members”.

“members” is a dictionary of one or more devices, where the key is the device ID, and the value is a dictionary of attributes of that device.

The “user” entry:

This dictionary contains the username for this token, and some permissions flags.

Example output

The example below shows 2 groups (#2 and #35), with respectively one (#54) and three (#272, #623, #703) devices.

    "groups": {
        "2": {
            "comments": "",
            "description": "",
            "display_name": "Test Group #1",
            "members": {
                "54": {
                    "comments": "",
                    "connector_type": 0,
                    "connector_type_name": "SNMP",
                    "default_view": 1,
                    "default_view_name": "Details",
                    "description": "The big, bad device!",
                    "hostname": "my_device_1",
                    "indent_level": 0,
                    "name": "My Device #1",
                    "nms_id": "",
                    "primary_ipv4": "",
                    "read_only": true,
                    "url": "http://localhost:8000/api/switches/2/54/",
            "name": "Test-Group-1",
            "read_only": True
        "35": {
            "comments": "",
            "description": "Test Group Description!",
            "display_name": "",
            "members": {
                "272": {
                    "comments": "Test switch",
                    "connector_type": 0,
                    "connector_type_name": "SNMP",
                    "default_view": 0,
                    "default_view_name": "Basic",
                    "description": "",
                    "hostname": "TEST-LAB-5130",
                    "indent_level": 1,
                    "name": "TEST-LAB 5130",
                    "nms_id": "5130",
                    "primary_ipv4": "",
                    "read_only": false,
                    "url": "http://localhost:8000/api/switches/35/272/",
                "623": {
                    "comments": "",
                    "connector_type": 1,
                    "connector_type_name": "Aruba AOS-CX",
                    "default_view": 0,
                    "default_view_name": "Details",
                    "description": "CX6300 test switch in lab",
                    "hostname": "aos-cx-test-switch",
                    "indent_level": 1,
                    "name": "AOS-CX-Test",
                    "nms_id": "",
                    "primary_ipv4": "",
                    "read_only": false,
                    "url": "http://localhost:8000/api/switches/35/623/",
                "703": {
                    "comments": "",
                    "connector_type": 2,
                    "connector_type_name": "Junos (PyEZ)",
                    "default_view": 0,
                    "default_view_name": "Basic",
                    "description": "Juniper EX2300 Test Switch in Lab",
                    "hostname": "ex2300-test-switch",
                    "indent_level": 1,
                    "name": "Junos-EX2300-TEST",
                    "nms_id": "ex2300-1",
                    "primary_ipv4": "",
                    "read_only": false,
                    "url": "http://localhost:8000/api/switches/35/703/",
            "name": "Test-Group",
            "read_only": false
    "user": {
        "allow_poe_toggle": true,
        "edit_if_descr": true,
        "name": "user",
        "read_only": false,
        "vlan_edit": false