
API Setup

In order to use the REST API, your user account will need to have at least one token assigned to it.

To create a token, you can go to the top right menu, and select “API Tokens”.

Admin Token Creation

User tokens can be generated by an administrator from the Web GUI administrative interface.

Administrators can also create tokens from the OpenL2M command line interface, as such:

(venv)$ python3 manage.py user_create_token <username>

Please contact you administrator for additional help.

API Authentication

API calls are authenticated with the above created token. The server looks for an HTTP header called “Authentication” containing the format “Token <your token>”. E.g.

# example HTTP request headers:
POST /api/switches/9/839/interface/10/description/ HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Token 84572b48bccce66687754ab7d3dac56d09830ab39
... (additional headers)

API Testing

You can test the API from the command line on most systems, by making HTTP “GET” calls. Once you have your token, you can do something like the examples below to get the list of devices you can access:

curl -X GET https://<your-doimain>/api/switches/ -H 'Authorization: Token <your-token-string-here>'

With the Python HTTPIE package, the following is an elegant way to test:

http https://<your-domain>/api/switches/ 'Authorization: Token <your-token-string-here>'

A simple Python example API client is provided at https://github.com/openl2m/api_client

Once you have successfully tested access, you can start using the various API endpoints available.