
API Vlan Management

The “Vlan Management” endpoints allow you to create, delete or rename vlans on the device (if permitted).


Not all devices can manage vlans, or if they can, can set names on vlans. Please look at the appropriate fields returned by the device info (change_vlan and change_vlan_name)

Create or Add

http --form POST https://<your-domain>/api/switches/35/272/vlan/add/ 'Authorization: Token <your-token-string-here>' vlan_id=777 vlan_name="seven-times-3"


With this API call, we can change the name of an already existing vlan. Note that not all devices support this.

http --form POST https://<your-domain>/api/switches/35/272/vlan/edit/ 'Authorization: Toke <your-token-string-here>' vlan_id=777 vlan_name="seven-seven-seven"


And finally, this allows us to delete an existing vlan.

http --form POST https://<your-domain>/api/switches/35/272/vlan/delete/ 'Authorization: Token <your-token-string-here>' vlan_id=777